Allergy Testing

Same-Day Allergy Testing in Lancaster, CA

Many people find themselves aggressively affected by allergens. From the ones that float through the air and originate from plants and animals to the allergens that exist in foods, it can be difficult to get through life when you are always suffering from allergic reactions. Here at Family First Medical Practice of Lancaster, CA, we offer a full range of testing options that can trace the source of your allergic reactions.

Once you get your results back, which can be as quick as same-day in many cases, you will be able to avoid problem items or take the appropriate medicine to help. Learn more about what to expect from your allergy test below.

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Preparing for your allergy test at Family First

  • Avoid medications such as Claritin, Clarinex, Zyrtec, Allergra or any other allergy medications for 5-7 days in advance of the allergy test date.
  • Avoid over-the-counter antihistamines, including Tylenol, Benadryl, cold & sinus medications, Alevert, Travis and Chlor-Trimeton at least 3-4 days prior to the test date.
  • Do not take medications such as Tagament, Pepcid, or Zantac 1 day prior to testing, as these contain antihistamines.
  • Cologne or scented body lotion is prohibited as this can irritate other allergy patients, but deodorant is fine.
  • Avoid the use or contact with topical corticosteroids 21 days prior to skin testing.
  • 3 days before testing, make sure you have not had any other flu shots or immunizations.

Using any of the aforementioned medications can affect the results of your allergy test. If you are unsure about specific medications, please consult with your nurse prior to the test or appointment date.

How the test is performed

Allergy tests are done on the skin of your back. We will prick the surface of your skin with various suspected allergens, which will immediately cause redness in the area if you are indeed allergic to them. Due to the nature of this exam, we ask that you dress accordingly and are ready to lay still, face down with your back exposed for 15 minutes. With this method, will be able to find out what you are allergic to incredibly quickly without needing to send anything to a lab for analysis.

After this initial appointment, a follow-up will be provided discussing the results of your test and recommendations will be made as necessary.

Please resume all necessary medications following the test.

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Get tested for allergies today!

(661) 341-3800

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